
Best Korean bbq in Strathfield?

I live in the area, but for some reason, I've never been to a Korean BBQ restaurant in Strathfield. I've been to a Korean BBQ, but not in Strathfield. It was Chatswood, and it was a few years ago. It was actually quite a drive to get there,…
cherry picking young nsw
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Cherry Picking in Young NSW

For someone who likes cherries more than any other fruit, it took me a long time to visit the mecca of cherry-picking - Young in NSW. It is a bit of a drive from Sydney; about 4 hours, but this time we combined the trip with a visit to a beach…
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Mushroom picking around Sydney – the season started

2022 Update 16 Apr 2022 - Jenolan Caves is still only accessible via Oberon, but we were able to get to the pine forests via Jenolan Caves Road. I think they closed this road much closer to the caves. They closed one half of the road and…
best yum-cha in hurstville

Best Yum-Cha in Hurstville

Is this the best yum-cha in Hurstville? That's always subjective, but we voted with our feet, so It's a genuine opinion. We've come here more than the other places in Hurstville, so I am happy to conclude that Golden Sands is the best Yum-Cha…
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How I stopped myself snacking after dinner

I struggled to lose weight for a few months last year. I mean I was overweight for a few years, but I never struggled with it, I kind of liked it. 6 months ago everything changed and I had to lose weight because the lifestyle I led was slowly…
spinach and blueberry smoothie

Spinach and blueberry smoothie – first attempt

My first spinach and blueberry smoothie Tried my new blender yesterday. Just for a quick blueberry smoothie. It tasted great, but the main reason I bought that blender was to make healthy meals, not just fruit drinks. Spinach is supposed…

I bought a new blender today

After watching one of my favorite movies, American Beauty, I decided to buy a blender. Lester Burnham started drinking smoothies when he changed his lifestyle to be more healthy. I wasn't really persuaded by the character. I simply remembered…

Best Polish sausages in Sydney

No, I'm not a vegetarian. Far from it. I come from a country that is famous for it's smallgoods like sausages, smoked bacon, etc. I grew up on that stuff, and I enjoy it very much. Just came back from my favorite polish smallgoods store in…