
Getting ready for my first golf competition

I think I'm ready to step up and be judged; ridiculed or encouraged, depending on my performance. Had a chat with the pro and he's happy to put me in this Saturday at 11am to get my first competition score card. I need 3 official scores to get…
golf swing over-rotation
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Swing over-rotating and hips rotation

I am over-rotating my swing. I kept looking at my swing trying to work out what the hell am I doing wrong. Finally worked out that I'm turning my hips way too much. I think for that kind of stuff a visit to a golf pro would be more economical…

Proper golf swing sequence

Here is a proper golf swing sequence we must follow to achieve a swing that is just like the swing of a PGA professional golfer. You must remember all these steps in order to achieve a great golf swing. Shift weight to the leading leg …
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6 out of 10 with 52 wedge

I practiced all day today. Well, not all day, but a few hours. Had to do my daily 10,000 steps. Actually did quite a few more than that. Stayed on the first 5 holes mainly and practiced my swing. I'm still struggling with this smooth swing…
my golf swing evolution video
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My golf swing evolution – 2017-09

First ever recording of my golf swing. I decided to put it on YouTube for easy access. This was taken about 4 months ago. This is a swing that I had before I decided to get a bit more serious about golf. I can see how bad it was, although…
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Enjoying golf practice at sunset

I like practicing at my club close to sunset. There is almost nobody there, or if there are, they stay at one hole and practice with a dozen balls. I picked hole 2. It's a short par 4, but I wanted to just practice my swing, so selected a spot…

How can you tell that you played poorly if you don’t have a handicap?

The other day I was resting near the first tee after I played a few holes, when another golfer approached. We greeted then exchanged a bit of small talk which went something like that: Other golfer: How did you go? Me: Not very well.…

More YouTube golf teaching nonsense

I watched a video from one of the top golf YouTubers on the matter of swinging 'over the top'. This guy is like the YouTube golf royalty. Just signed a big deal with a famous golf club manufacturer, so he's not just a wannabe youtuber. His explanation…
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Over the top swing – I learned why I’m doing it and found a fix

I must have watched every single YouTube video there is on the subject and apart from 1, all of them are complete rubbish. They come up with these complicated explanations as to why we swing over the top, and they all promise to "cure the over…