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Mermaid Pools – Tahmoor

hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

I’m starting to enjoy the walking. I didn’t think I would; it always seemed to a bit mundane to me. I guess, walking around a block a few times would be mundane, but add a great location and suddenly the walks make sense. That is what I felt at Mermaid Pools in Tahmoor.

This is not a walk found on Wild Walks website. This one is a bit more off the grid. Located about 70km South West of Sydney; it is only known to the locals and a handful of avid walkers who enjoy a bit of challenge.

Not that the walk is particularly challenging. It’s about 10km, and most of it is on a reasonably flat surface. A couple of moderate climbs, but the rest is either at the water level in the canyon or about 200m above it. The challenge lies, I guess in the fact that it’s not officially maintained, so there are no man-made platforms to walk on and there are no pretty maps and warning signs every few meters.

This walk is not on official maps, but it’s very well marked by other walkers. Brightly colored ribbons hanging from tree branches show the way. Without them, it would be impossible to find the right way, but now that someone did this great community service, this walk can be enjoyed without fear of getting lost.

It took us about 4 hours to walk the circuit, and we had a short break for lunch along the way. These are a few images from the walk.


hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

Very useful map there

hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

These signs are very helpful

hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

hiking mermaid pools tahmoor

Pink ribbon shows the way

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