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Used a golf pitch fork for the first time – ever

No, I have hit greens before, but I never had to use the pitch fork because my balls never made a pitch mark on the green.

The greens at our golf club are really dry. Plus they are in Sydney, so we don’t see that much rain here. Today, however was different. We had a storm last night, and today I saw the ground keepers putting some sort of treatment on each green, then soaking it with water for a few minutes. They were soft.

I only played a few holes today. Again spent most of the day at the nets, but needed to get my 10,000 steps so decided to do a few holes. The club was not that busy so took the opportunity to practice hitting balls on the course, instead of just off the mats at the nets.

The 8th, which is a short par 3, was even shorter today. I think maybe just under 100m. Used a pitching wedge for that and got 3 out of 7 balls on the green, the others no more than 2m off the green. It felt amazing. Then on the green one of the balls made a pitch mark. I almost felt excited to fix it. I’ve never done it before.

golf pitch fork

My $2 eBay golf pitch fork

I watched a youtube video about a month ago on how to do it properly, and I have  the golf pitch fork in my bag, just in case, as all “good” golfers do. 🙂 I was ready for this eventuality. Have been for more than a month.

I actually had to repair 2 more marks on the next hole. Yes, I hit 2 balls on the green, again. This time out of only 3, so much better ratio.

My game is getting better. I have not recorded my nets session today, but I could feel the ball striking improve. I could feel it on the course as well. I again played with only 5 and 7 iron and I was getting balls that I hit well within a couple of meters from each other.

Actually, as I walked down the 10th, where I hit 2 great 5 iron shots, the guys on the next fairway asked me if I was looking for my ball under the trees, I said, no, mine were in the middle of the fairway. I could feel myself getting 2 inches taller… 🙂 Great day.

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