play golf by feel

Golf By Feel – My method to learn golf

I am having great results with this new method I'm developing. I rejected the standard golf pro approach to teaching golf a couple of months ago. Since then I'm practicing on my own, learning golf the same way I learned tennis, table tennis,…
What golf clubs should I get
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What golf clubs should I get

What golf clubs should I get? When I first became serious about golf, about 6 months ago, I dusted off my old clubs I had in the garage. I bought them off ebay about 8 years ago, but I only played them a couple of times before I lost interest…
golf swing sydney
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Swing by feel – my new golf swing – Sydney April 2018

Swing-by-feel diary - my new golf swing - Sydney April, 5th 2018 It's been a few weeks now since my light-bulb moment came and my golf swing is getting better by the day. I am still struggling with focus on the golf course. It turns out that…

Invite a guest to play the Masters at Augusta

It's one of the perks of playing this year's Masters championship, or being one of the former champions. On a Sunday before the championship starts you can bring a guest to play the Augusta course. I can only imagine the thrill they would…
golf blog jay smolak

US Masters – test of my commitment to golf

The US Masters 2018 are on this week. Only 3 days to go. I will use it as a simple test of my commitment to the game of golf. Well,  it's not really a test of my commitment to the game itself, but rather to the idea of watching others play…

I am not buying new golf clubs

Decided. I'm not getting new golf clubs. I actually lost interest in that topic. Months ago I bookmarked a few good golf club internet shops and I used to check the prices almost daily. Just after Christmas when they had a sale I almost bought…
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Golf swing practice at the nets

There is a point to practicing a golf swing at the nets if I know exactly what I'm practicing and what I'm trying to achieve. There is no point just going there to smack a few dozen balls into the net. It may be good for my cardio, but makes…

Frustration with golf

I think everyone that is trying to learn this game follows s similar path. A path filled with excitement, frustration, happiness and anger. I spoke with a fellow member in our club. Someone I see often practicing at the nets with me. His story…