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I softened my golf grip to see what my swing feels like

Only by chance a few weeks ago I noticed something about my golf swing. I realised that I am manipulating the swing into the ball. What I mean is that as I'm swinging, my hands work extra hard to guide the golf club into the ball. This is not…
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Golf swing like a tennis swing

I saw a presentation about a golf swing by Mike Malaska a few years ago. He was trying to explain the simplicity of the golf swing. Or rather explain that a golf swing, while not simple is nothing new, and not different in principle from other…
golf swing sydney
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Swing by feel – my new golf swing – Sydney April 2018

Swing-by-feel diary - my new golf swing - Sydney April, 5th 2018 It's been a few weeks now since my light-bulb moment came and my golf swing is getting better by the day. I am still struggling with focus on the golf course. It turns out that…