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Poznan – a walk in the old town – August 2019

Poznan is only about 150km from my Polish home. Not even 2 hours drive, but I have never been there. I remember stepping out onto a train ramp on the way to Warsaw, but never been there purposely. I guess there was never a need for it, and 150km…

Importance of the impact position in golf swing

I am again thankful for all those YouTube golf videos I've watched. They provide a lot more useful tips that all the golf pro lessons ever did. Malaska golf and Shawn Clement are my favorites. They both teach the natural golf, which I follow…
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Golf swing like a tennis swing

I saw a presentation about a golf swing by Mike Malaska a few years ago. He was trying to explain the simplicity of the golf swing. Or rather explain that a golf swing, while not simple is nothing new, and not different in principle from other…
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How I finally understood a golf swing

I have tried to learn golf the "proper" way. By getting a golf coach at a local golf club. Pay them about 100$ an hour to teach me how to swing a golf club. Of course with the current golf teaching method, what he was trying to teach me is how…
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How to rent an apartment in Hanoi for longer stay

When I first landed in Hanoi I had a booking.com hotel booked for 2 weeks. I figured I don't need more time to find an apartment in Hanoi. This turned out to be absolutely true. In fact, I could have had an apartment after only a couple of days,…
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Back on a golf course – all is coming back

I was away from golf for a few months. I visited Vietnam and Poland. Both countries are not famous for their golfers. Both countries have golf courses, but the saying that golf is an elitist sport for rich people applies to these countries much…
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Sapa Region Vietnam – Terrace Rice Fields

The Sapa region in North-West Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations. It is located in the mountains of Lao Cai Province, close to China, about 300 kilometers from Hanoi. It is not hard to see why Sapa Regin is such a popular…
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Fansipan Mountain near Sapa

Fansipan is the highest mountain in the Indochinese Peninsula hence its nickname "the Roof of Indochina". Its height is 3143 meters, which is about 1500 meters above Sapa. It's a very popular tourist destination from people around the world.…
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Lanckorona – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

Lanckorona and Kalwaria Zebrzydowska are about 40 kilometers from Krakow. Maybe 1 hour drive so it's a great spot for a day-trip. We spent the whole day doing touristy things there. First stop was the monastery in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. Beautiful…