
$150 will confirm your booking. The rest needs to be paid on the day of the shoot or before

Transfer directly or use PayPal to pay your deposit

Direct transfer

  • HSBC Bank Australia Ltd
  • Account Name: Janusz Smolak
  • Account Number: 007770415
  • BSB: 342094

Pay by PayPal

Balance payment details:

Please use direct transfer or PayPal to pay the outstanding photography fee balance. Transfer the amount agreed; If you pay with PayPal, you can specify the amount on the next page

Direct transfer

  • HSBC Bank Australia Ltd
  • Account Name: Janusz Smolak
  • Account Number: 007770415
  • BSB: 342094

Pay by PayPal

Workshop payment:

Please use direct transfer or PayPal to pay for your workshop

Direct transfer

  • HSBC Bank Australia Ltd
  • Account Name: Janusz Smolak
  • Account Number: 007770415
  • BSB: 342094

Pay by PayPal

Select Hours